Economic nationalism has returned to the fore of scholarly & policy debates, taking on renewed significance in the wake of the global financial crisis as countries sought to respond to the domestic effects of the economic disaster. Nationalist responses were initially praised by some who saw them as logical mechanisms to protect domestic economies & condemned by others fearing the shadow of the Great Depression & the rise of fascism that kindled inter-state rivalries & led to World War II. The latter concern has become more prescient in the last five years as the rise of right-wing authoritarian nationalism - in both the Global North, in the US, Europe as well as in the Global South, in Brazil & India - has become a feature of the global political economy.

Paradoxes of Neoliberal Governance: How Markets Make States

Law and Political Economy (LPE) Blog, April 2021

Amy Cohen & Jason Jackson

Varieties of Economic Nationalisms in Brazil and India

Under contract with Cambridge University Press

Jason Jackson

Moral Orders of Capitalist Legitimacy

Under contract with Harvard University Press

Jason Jackson